Thursday, 14 November 2013

Eltham John Reviews: Swim, Bike, Run by Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee

BOOK REVIEW: by Eltham John

Swim, Bike, Run by Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee

My local library is very good at providing the latest sport related biographies and two weeks ago I was lucky enough to pick up the book  "SWIM, BIKE, RUN" (just because I read the word Bike).

The book is the story of  Olympic Triathletes Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee, and  culminates in their Olympic and World Championship Gold Medals. It is of course a great story, easy to read with the brothers giving their own slant on events in alternate chapters. It tells how and why they got into their sport. It gives some tips on the development of their particular training methods, but for me the best part is that it goes into great detail of the relationship between two brothers with only two years difference in age who happened to go for the same sport.

So many of their experiences and achievements (which are of course far more significant than mine) reminded me of the feeling I had when my younger brother followed me into club cycling. As you follow the path to the successes, from the early days even to the highest level competition, they talk frankly about their mutual support as brothers, training partners and even their temporary jealousies.

There is no doubt that this a good book for a youngster to pick up valuable training tips, particularly in the cycling section, but most of all it accurately describes how a competitive spirit is born and develops and is a wonderful example of what results it can produce.

...I did at one time think I would recommend the book to my "young brother" (now aged 76) but I think that even with the wisdom of age he would would probably think I was trying to gain some underhand advantage.

You can BUY THE BOOK. British Triathlon have a special offer - Brownlee Brothers Book Offer HERE! Special discount to Triathlon South East and the Regions £14.99 instead of RRP £20